Archive for August, 2011

A Summer Song

August 15, 2011

I’ve been trying to record and post this song for two months. When I was considering cover ideas for the Frankly Speaking documentary trailer this one felt like a good fit for the movie, for me, for this summer. I’ve always loved A Summer Song, its gentle vocal harmonies and guitar accompaniment wrapped in a beautiful string arrangement, evoking sad and sweet memories of summers gone by. My version, of course, sounds nothing like THAT, but I couldn’t very well do a copycat seeing as I don’t play the guitar or the violin.

My father passed away at the end of June. Since I’ve talked about him in several posts on this blog I felt I should mention that now. That fact also affected my ability to get this song recorded and posted in a timely fashion. Since he’s been gone I’ve been very busy with work as well, which I hope to never take for granted. Walking dogs and petting kitty cats is pretty great even when you’re happy. When you’re sad it’s awesome too.

I think my dad would have really enjoyed my version of this song, me being his baby daughter and all. But he loved popular music, much more than my mom ever did. I would play Otis Redding or Billie Holiday in the house and my mom couldn’t stand it! My dad would always ask me what I was playing, who was singing… Music made him happy. Sometimes I feel sad when a memory of him pops up in my head and sometimes I feel relieved that he is not suffering anymore. I do know that I haven’t cried much since he’s died.

So here it is…